Client: Ekta Parishad
Work: PR & Communications Manager
Location: Bhopal & New Delhi, India
Details: Ekta Parishad is a people’s organizaion dedicated to the Gandhian principle fo nonviolent action with the aim assisting poor and marginazlized people to gain access and control over natural resources, mainly land, forest and water. During my Swiss civil service I helped the organization in PR & communication and was also responsible for social media.
Work: PR & Communications Manager
Location: Bhopal & New Delhi, India
Details: Ekta Parishad is a people’s organizaion dedicated to the Gandhian principle fo nonviolent action with the aim assisting poor and marginazlized people to gain access and control over natural resources, mainly land, forest and water. During my Swiss civil service I helped the organization in PR & communication and was also responsible for social media.